We are a United States based nonprofit organization registered in Plano, TX under IRS section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Any contributions made to Andrew’s Dream Chasers Inc. aka “The Dream Chasers” will be considered tax exempt charitable contributions under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

We take action inspired by Andrew Louis Acuff, who believed in kindness, listening, and helping people chase their dreams.

Mission Statement

To unite people from any background to accomplish “no-brainer” philanthropic projects worldwide (like prevent malnutrition of orphans).

There are countless organizations bringing good into the world. Some need more help than others, especially ones for orphans lacking funds for basic needs. Andrew’s Dream Chasers, Inc. raises financial support and awareness for legitimate, lesser-known, harder-to-easily-donate-to charities. We empower them with tangible resources to become as self-sustaining as possible.


A message from our founder, Jackson Francis Cummings:



My dear friend Andrew practiced discipline to achieve difficult goals and prioritized being kind. He was capable of convincing everyone to believe in their capacity to make what seemed impossible, possible. We connected through a shared love of nature and adventure, and he patiently taught me lots about climbing, ultra-running, strengthening, and healing. After he tragically passed away at 26 two years ago mountain climbing, the universe convinced me to honor him by lifting spirits and livelihoods as efficiently as possible.

For nearly 5 years I’ve regularly been in touch with Marich able Chemonges (29 y.o.), the founder/director of a rural Ugandan ministry called Someone Cares Africa, very active on Instagram @someonecaresafrica and Facebook. They have been officially recognized as a non-profitable community-based organization (CBO) and international non-governmental organization (NGO) by the Republic of Uganda for nearly 4 years. They have rapidly grown to reduce malnutrition and provide necessities for 200 orphans (age 2-16) and roughly 100 widows. They receive zero government aid. Their funding for food, education, caretaking wages, and medicine all came from sporadic non-tax-deductible donations. View “Current Projects” for more info about them, or go their website “https://someonecaresafrica.org/”. If you click “Donate” on their website, it brings you to our (Andrew’s Dream Chasers Inc’s) PayPal donation hub. We are and continue to be essential to their operation.

The first few years I knew them, I offered support by telling friends and family, and giving what I could from my 9-5 “engineering at a start-up” salary. Unfortunately, Marich and I know relying on my and a few other middle-class-income folks’ finances is unsustainable, and we have the big but totally attainable goal of funding primary school educations and >0 meals a day for the large population of orphans in Kapchorwa. Thus, Andrew’s Dream Chasers, Inc. was created to better legitimize and assist Someone Cares Africa.

We assist them in three main ways:

1) raising awareness + reinforcing their legitimacy in an age of scams and bots

2) giving U.S. donors 501(c)(3) tax-deductible donation receipts

3) making it easier to securely donate to them, i.e. through automatically recurring or one-time donations using Stripe (credit/debit card), Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, or handwritten checks.

Making donations to them tax-deductible has helped a lot, but there’s a long way to go. We aim to unite and inspire folks along our journey to make Someone Cares Africa self-sustaining in terms of basic necessities. Me and the few other regular donors cannot do it alone and are fully aware of financial planning techniques required to reach retirement. However, our hearts tell us we must be kind to strangers, especially orphaned children lacking finances and material possessions, and we try to embody that change. Marich at Someone Cares Africa and his team are truly doing God’s finest work. We’d like to expand support to similarly virtuous underfunded groups fighting orphan malnutrition someday, but would only do so when this organization we know and trust’s basic needs have been met.

We do all we can to minimize overhead costs and the ~3% fees from currency exchanging and digital transfers, etc. However, if you’d like bypass our 501(c)(3) and send donations straight to them, we do not discourage that at all. You’ll just have to reach out to Marich and use Sendwave or Moneygram and you won’t get a tax-deductible receipt. We are simply trying to provide orphans basic needs in any way we can. 2022 was huge, 2023 was better, and 2024 was even better. We are on track to make 2025 the best yet though we still regularly need help.  Though it’s stressful at times, it is a rewarding. It’s also nice to prove to folks that nature-loving rock climbers and ultra-marathon runners like myself or Andrew, or really anyone of any background, is capable of epic kindness. 

We can and will continue to build a better world with less scarcity and more abundance. We appreciate any and all support, and thank you for reading. Please email me at jackson@thedreamchasers.org with any questions, comments, or suggestions.


Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)


Question: What does Someone Cares Africa do?

Simply put, Someone Cares Africa helps orphans in need. The small team of this rural
east Ugandan community-based-organization provides 200 orphans with care and
basic necessities. Food, water, daycare, and education are distributed by the
SCA ministry center on a daily basis. Over 100 low-income widows/elders in
the area surrounding SCA’s ministry provide homes for the orphans.

They occasionally receive emergency food and basic medicine (i.e. $20 hydroxychloroquine for malaria) when
necessary and financially possible.

Question: How did they get started?

Someone Cares Africa’s Founder and Director, Marich able Chemonges, started his
humanitarian work for orphans over 6 years ago as part of “The Foundation
of Poor Orphans Uganda.” You can see a younger Marich standing in front of
their banner on the @someonecaresafrica instagram if you scroll to the bottom
of the 1,500+ posts he has made over the past 6+ years. Someone Cares Africa has
been officially recognized by Uganda’s government for over 4 years.

Q: Where is their work being done?

Kapchorwa,Uganda, in the rural, mountainous region near the huge waterfall tourist
attraction, Sipi Falls. The ministry center is currently a large tent over a
concrete slab, on land loaned to Marich. Over the past 18 months we’ve
collaborated to purchase half an acre of land to construct a long-lasting
orphanage community center more weather-proof than a tent. The stone/brick
walls of the new structure still needs a roof, and a nearby latrine must be dug
before fully moving operations over. ADC/SCA has only funded construction costs
when the ~$500/week costs for food and wages are covered for a week or two, a
rare and sporadic occurrence. Pictures and videos from this work will eventually be
uploaded to our youtube channel.

Q: What does Andrew’s Dream Chasers Inc do?

Until ADC formed there was no official “Western” representation for SCA,
and only a couple ways (Sendwave, Moneygram) to transfer donations to them. We
make donations to Someone Cares Africa U.S.-tax-deductible and easier. We
communicate with SCA daily. We collaborate with them to better organize,
promote, and fund our shared mission.

Founded nearly two years ago in a state of clarity while processing the sudden death of
the always kind and inclusive Andrew Louis Acuff, we work to improve the
planet’s average quality of life as much as possible. Many folks haven’t
learned what effective altruism is, or how much good donations to low-income communities can do.

We are the proof.

Click “Current Projects” for some videos, photos, and additional information.